Wakarusa schedule and map

If you’re like us, you’d rather not go into battle unprepared. And if you’re really like us, you’d rather do way more than necessary just in case … because, well … you never know.

In this particular case, by “battle” we mean Wakarusa and by ‘unprepared’ we mean without a schedule and map. And by ‘way more than necessary’ we mean that we made a printable, 4-day schedule of all the bands playing at Wakarusa including a nice little map which we then combined into a 5-page PDF that you can download right here.

Why? Well, because that’s just how we roll. Plus, we tried to print one from the Wakarusa site and it was kinda wonky-looking and difficult to read so we said, “what the hey.” And by ‘hey’ we mean heck. And by ‘heck’ we mean hell.

Although it’s highly doubtful that you don’t already know how to get to the Wakarusa site if you’re already planning on attending, below is a map to Mulberry Mountain just in case.

> Download the schedule and map here