FHS millage surveys arriving in voters’ mailboxes

After the Fayetteville High School millage failed last month, Superintendent Vicki Thomas announced a plan to send surveys to those who voted in the Sept. 15 election.

The idea was to discover and study the reasons why more than 10,000 people voted the way they did when defeating of the proposed 4.9-mill property tax increase to build a brand new high school.

The surveys are currently being mailed and included in the envelopes is a letter from Superintendent Thomas and a two-sided, postage-paid survey card. The survey asks voters to rank the three reasons that most impacted their decision to vote for or against the millage.

The full survey

“The survey is completely anonymous…and the results will provide critical input as we re-evaluate and plan for the future of Fayetteville High School and the children we serve,” reads the letter from Thomas.

The choices offered for ranking include the cost of the plan, location, impact on property taxes and more.

Superintendent Thomas is requesting that the surveys be completed and returned by Monday, October 12, 2009.

The letter from Superintendent Thomas reads as follows:

Dear Constituent,

On September 15, 2009 the Fayetteville School District proposed a millage increase for the purpose of building a new Fayetteville High School. An unprecedented voter turnout of over 10,000 people participated in the election process.

In order to determine the compelling reasons for the millage defeat, the district is conducting a survey of all voters who participated in the election. We are requesting that you complete the survey and return the postage-paid card by Monday, October 12, 2009. The survey is completely anonymous and the results will be used for planning purposes. When completing the survey, we ask that you rank the three most compelling reasons that prompted you to vote for or against the millage, with one being the most important reason. Only rank the three items that were a contributing factor in your decision——not all items need to be ranked. Any additional comments you would like to provide will also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey process. We value your opinion and the results will provide critical input as we re-evaluate and plan for the future of Fayetteville High School and the children we serve.

Best regards,
Vicki Thomas

Click here for a downloadable PDF of the letter and survey