Gulley Park playground to close for a few weeks

Photo by Todd Gill / Enlarge
Orange construction fencing surrounds a playground just north of Niokaska Creek at Gulley Park in Fayetteville.

A improvement project at Gulley Park will require closure of a playground for a few weeks.

Contractors will remove the existing rubber surface on the smaller of the park’s two playgrounds to make way for approximately 225 square yards of new rubber safety tile.

Alison Jumper, the city’s park planning superintendent, said the existing surface, which was installed in 2000 when the playground was first built, is now cracked and worn.

She said the project will allow the department to increase the size of the safety surfacing to meet safety guidelines.

Construction is expected to end in early 2012.

Jumper said the work will cost about $33,300, and will be paid for with Park Land Dedication Funds.

Gulley Park

The 27-acre park, located between Township Street and Old Wire Road, includes two playgrounds, a 1.5-mile walking trail, a disc golf course a creek, and a pond.

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