Flyer Forum: Now open!

A couple days ago, we started something that was long overdue which was the process of getting some t-shirts available. Why stop there, though, right? There’s plenty more in the hopper here at the Flyer which should’ve been added long ago.

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve finally got a forum section up and running and you can now start message boarding till your fingers fall off.

Lots of folks have asked us when this was going to be implemented and we’ve always said, “soon.” Well now the answer’s “today.”

How do you get there? Easy. There are two ways, in fact. There’s a link in the nav bar up above. There’s also a handy little widget in the sidebar that will display the latest discussions including links. To get back, just click the Flyer logo next to where it says “Search” at the top of the forum. Easy enough?

For starters, we’ve set up just a few main discussion areas. One is for Fayetteville, another is for Northwest Arkansas in general and then there’s a reader recommendation section where you can ask fellow readers for suggestions on a good plumber, a babysitter or maybe a hunky lawn boy if that’s your thang.

As with any forum, you’ve gotta sign up for an account and log in before posting but that’s just for the forum section. We don’t have plans to ever make you log in on the main section of the Flyer (phew, I know).

If you notice something’s broke, let us know and we’ll fix it. If you notice something that’s missing, let us know and we’ll consider adding it. If you notice someone being a total a-hole, let us know and we’ll try to calm them down. If you notice your couch is on fire, put it out!

It remains to be determined if we’re gonna need moderators or not. I suspect we will. If that’s the case, we might be asking for volunteers. For now, it’s cool. Hopefully.

Enjoy and have a great weekend.