Scull Creek Dungeon: House show Friday

In the last ten years, the tools in which local bands and promoters use to get the word out about upcoming shows have evolved so quickly that I sometimes do a double-take when I see an actual printed flyer. The days of setting out on foot with a stack of Kinkos printouts and a roll of packing tape as your only means of promotion are long gone. Facebook events have replaced word-of-mouth and video is the new print.

Take this Friday’s house show at the Scull Creek Dungeon for example. The Facebook event we received currently lists 48 confirmed guests, 27 maybes and 133 no-replies. The accuracy of those lists is irrelevant. The fact that 208 people found out about the show with just a few keyboard clicks is amazing. Whether or not the Scull Creek Dungeon can even hold 1/4 of that is another question. I’ve never been. But I’ll be there this Friday night.

Set to play are The Thing That Always Explodes and Crisco Kids (both from Little Rock), Last Chance (Fort Smith) and Fayetteville’s Egyptr.

Scull Creek Dungeon is located at 649 N. Wilson Ave. in Fayetteville across the street from Wilson Park and is two houses up from … you guessed it … Scull Creek.

Below is the video flyer for the show by Mike Anderson of 16drawings: