Concert wrap and the Facebook movie

Shortcuts are hand-picked bits of news, commentary and info from around Northwest Arkansas, the rest of the state and even from places much further away.

Here are today’s Shortcuts:


Silversun Pickups concert wrap
Tuned In’s Kevin Kinder gives a full recap of Monday’s sold out show at George’s.


The first lottery ticket
The Arkansas lottery kicks off Monday and Arkansas Business notes a ceremony scheduled for the first lottery ticket sale in Little Rock.

Bath Junkie files for bankruptcy
The Fayetteville-born Bath Junkie, Inc. with multiple Arkansas locations (40 nationwide) has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection according to Susannah Patton of Arkansas Business.


Electric unicycle
Telegraph reports that Honda has announced an electric unicycle that may revolutionize human transportation.

Facebook: The Movie
A blog post at Variety reports on a Columbia Pictures drama about the formation of Facebook starring Justin Timberlake and Jesse Eisenberg.