Judah Friedlander coming to town

Shortcuts are hand-picked bits of news, commentary and info from around Northwest Arkansas, the rest of the state and even from places much further away.

Here are today’s Shortcuts:


10-year-old killed on Razorback Rd.
The Arkansas Traveler reports that a 10-year-old girl was hit and killed by a UA student while crossing Razorback Road Saturday morning.

Tim & Eric is now Judah Friedlander
We were excited to see on the University Calendar that the Tim & Eric Awesome Show Live! was scheduled to be on the UA campus in the student union this Saturday. Unfortunately, the show has been canceled. University Programs has confirmed that Judah Friedlander (30 Rock) will be here, instead, on Nov. 21.
He canceled, too.


AR in OA
Rock Candy’s Lindsey Millar reports that the Oxford American’s annual music issue will begin focusing on the music of one Southern state each year and they’re starting in Arkansas. “Keeping in mind that they’re taking great strides to avoid the obvious, who do you think should be included?” asks Millar.

17,000 doses of swine flu vaccine
KATV reports that first of many swine flu vaccine doses headed to Arkansas tomorrow will go to schoolchildren.


FTC announces blogger endorsement rules
TechCrunch has the news on the FTC’s new guidelines (and penalties) surrounding bloggers who endorse products online and through social media. In other words, if you have a blog, you couldn’t possibly be a professional, so you need to disclose if the products/services you’re reviewing were given to you.

Training (gyro)wheels
Forget traditional training wheels. Engadget reports that the latest in toddler bike balancing technology comes in the form of one wheel, not two.