Judah Freidlander appearance has been cancelled

Back in October, we were excited to discover that Tim and Eric of the Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! would be making an appearance at the University of Arkansas on Oct. 10.

Then we were disappointed to hear that the appearance had been cancelled.

But we were excited again to hear that Judah Freidlander of 30 Rock had been scheduled in place of Tim and Eric this Saturday, Nov. 21.

Then, yesterday we noticed that Judah would not be able to make it either.

Judah (or whoever runs his Twitter account) responded to our announcement that the show had been cancelled, promising to make it up to us.

@fvilleflyer Unfortunately i had to cancel my show at univ of arkansas this saturday because of 30 Rock schedule. I will make it up to you!

We’re going to hold you to that, Judah.