Photos: Bacon Day BA-Zooka launch

Photos by Todd Gill / Enlarge
Bacon Day co-founder Nick Hamon fires the BA-Zooka, a sausage-launching bacon bazooka.

About 100 people showed up to celebrate the third annual Bacon Day, a potluck event celebrating the universe’s most delicious meat product.

As usual, the bacon dishes ranged from normal (bacon mashed potatoes) to bizarre (bacon sushi) to inedible (bacon rocket launcher).

Wait, what?

In previous years, Bacon Day co-founder Nick Hamon unveiled his now-internet-famous BA-K-47 and Bacon AT-AT creations.

This year’s work of art was the Ba-Zooka, a fully-functional, sausage-launching bacon bazooka.

The first launch was a total success, sending a rocket-packed summer sausage high into the air. Launch #2 was kind of a dud (see photo below), but the crowd didn’t mind.

Below are a few photos we snapped of the inaugural launch. Enjoy.