Checking in: Dreamfast

Fayetteville-based band Dreamfast is set to release their new album, My Wounds, My Weapons this week.

Photo: Jerry Perez

It has been way too long since we checked in with pop-y, punk-y, rock-y local band, Dreamfast.

This week seems to be the week to do it, however, considering the band is just hours away from the long-awaited release of their brand new EP, My Wounds, My Weapons.

Amyh Hart

Album art

Locals Amyh Hart, Jarrod Van Brunt, Steve Rankin, Jen Cannon, and J.J. Bama Dirt have been working on the record since 2008. After over four years of fine tuning, it will finally see the light of day on Thursday, May 2 when it’s released via Oklahoma-based label Slam Bang Records,, and at select local record stores.

The group will celebrate at a release show with local band The Inner Party on Friday, May 11 at Rogue in Fayetteville, and on Saturday, May 12 at Maxine’s in Hot Springs.

We tracked down singer and principal songwriter for the band Amyh Hart, and she was nice enough to answer some questions about the new record (among other things) for us.

Fayetteville Flyer: What have you been listening to lately?
Amyh Hart: I have rediscovered the Apers, an old pop punk band from Holland. Think Screaching Weasel, the Queers. Also, I can’t stop listening to We Are The In Crowd‘s newest record. But my in-the-shower music at the moment is a mixed Nicki Minaj playlist.

FF: You guys signed with a label recently, correct? How did that come about?
AH: We recently signed with Slam Bang Records out of Oklahoma. I went to a local show and Motortrain was opening, we became quick friends and little did I know there was a record label behind them. Before I was even aware of the label they noticed how determined I was to push this music thing to the ultimate limits, so basically they decided to give me a shot. I am shy of labels due to past experiences, but it feels good to partner up with people that I’d trust with my life, let alone my music. The trick to building a team behind your band is finding people who believe in you and your music as much as you do, and I have never been more sure of a group of people being behind me.

FF: Tell us a bit about the new record. Where did you guys record?
AH: We recorded at Insomniac Studios with Adam Putman. It is kind of funny. We recorded in 3 or 4 different places physically due to flooding, moving, etc. I’m pretty sure I did most of my vocals in a closet in an abandoned house, way out in the country. The record itself has been a 4-year process, I cannot tell you how amazing it is to finally put this thing out there for everyone.

FF: When you listen to the album, are there any moments that you look forward to? Any slip ups that drive you crazy? Happy accidents?
AH: The only happy accident I can remember, well it didn’t actually happen during recording but while practicing to record; the bass player at the time, Kenny, hit a wrong note on the end of Brand New Notches and I just stopped everyone and said, “Wait what did you do? What did you do?” And he, very apologetically, showed me the note he hit and we changed the end of that song. It works way better!

FF: How do you guys perceive the music scene in Fayetteville these days?
AH: It is very up and down. I am guilty of not going to shows as often as I used to, but I gotta say sometimes the reasoning behind that is because I don’t know of the show until the day of. I think venues as well as bands are a bit lacking on the promotion side of things. As far as the bands in Fayetteville, I have so many favorites! Fayetteville has a way of breeding a very eclectic brand of bands, and I love that about this city.

FF: Who are some other local bands that you think are doing good things right now?
AH: Well obviously Randall Shreve and the Sideshow are working really hard, Chasing Pictures, Motortrain, and any band that gets out and tours gets an endless amount of respect from me. Tours are not easy to put together, and actually executing the tour is even harder. I also can’t wait to see what happens with Surf De Soleil. I love watching those kids play.

FF: Tell us about the best show you ever saw in Fayetteville.
AH: Best show I ever saw in Fayetteville was Jenny Lewis at George’s. Absolutely amazing. There is something about her, when she walks onto the stage the entire room changes. I’m not sure what it is, but whatever it is, Jenny Lewis has it. As for local shows, I hate to seem narcassistic, but our Marcus Allen video shoot (see below) show was absolutely amazing. We went all out on decorations, shot for 15 hours with Avid Productions, and when we shot the live crowd shots, the kids went crazy! It was so much fun! I had at least 10 people tell me the next day they had a blast and that they couldn’t stop smiling all night. Absolutely amazing.

FF: What’s next for you guys? Got any touring plans?
AH: We actually have some pretty exciting touring news that I cannot speak of at the moment, but it is going to be a blast. Let’s just say we will be playing more shows out of town soon, for sure.

Click below to hear Chase The Rush, by Dreamfast

Dreamfast – Marcus Allen (Official video)