Local artist paints new mural to cover hateful graffiti in Fayetteville

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Local artist Olivia Trimble is up to her old tricks again.

And by old tricks, we mean painting hopeful murals over hateful graffiti she finds around Fayetteville.

Trimble, who has previously received national attention for her ‘Repaint Hate’ campaign, was called into service again last week after a “white pride” message was painted on a building on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

Trimble said she contacted the building owner, who gave her permission to paint over the message with something more positive.

Trimble led a handful of artists and volunteers from the community who worked together to paint a colorful mural covering the entire wall with the words “Love Unites Us,” and the new work was finished up early this week.

Members of the community also pitched in to help cover the cost of paint and supplies.

The new mural is located at 1605 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, in a currently vacant building across the street from King Burrito.