Fayetteville trash and recycling pickup suspended Wednesday

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The city’s recycling and trash collection services were suspended Wednesday (Feb. 10) because of road conditions.

While some roads are passable, officials said many areas are slick, creating safety and access concerns for heavy trucks getting into tight spaces and traveling up and down hills.

Residential and commercial routes will resume when roads conditions allow for safe collections. Those whose collection occurs on Wednesdays are encouraged to leave their recycling bins and trash carts by the curb until they are serviced. If conditions don’t improve, Thursday collections may also be suspended.

From the city:

Because the City’s recycling trucks are much lighter than residential and commercial trash trucks, their operation creates safety concerns when inclement weather affects road conditions. Residents who do not wish to wait for recycling services to resume have access to two recycling drop-off facilities open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Additionally, the transfer station at 1560 S. Happy Hollow Road will be closed to the public today. This location will be reopened to the public when road and weather conditions allow for safe operations.

For more information, call the Recycling and Trash Collection Division at 479-575-8398.