Daily Advertising

Paid Posts

Reach our audience on a specific day by publishing a Paid Post, an advertiser-supplied story post on the Flyer.

  • Paid Posts appear in the regular newsfeed alongside all our other stories
  • Create your own headline, images, and body copy
  • Share on your own social media pages (or upgrade and we’ll share it on ours)
  • Add up to 5 images and/or embed a video
  • No character limit
  • Only one sold per day

Note: Political ads are not allowed.

Paid Post Upgrades

Upgrade a Paid Post to our newsletter or on our social media (or both).

Full Upgrade
Your Paid Post appears on the Flyer’s Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter profiles, and in our email newsletter.

Newsletter Upgrade
Your Paid Post shared in our email newsletter

Social Upgrade
Your Paid Post shared on a single Flyer social media network of your choice.

Newsletter Ad

The Flyer sends an email newsletter a few times each week which features links to our stories, and other useful information. Reach our 4,000+ (and growing) subscribers by placing a one-day Newsletter Ad.

Specs – 800 x 534 px image, headline (100 characters), copy (280 characters), and a link

Instagram Ad

The Flyer has a large and engaged audience on Instagram, with more than 48,000 followers. We offer limited opportunities to advertise to our Instagram audience each week (limited to one per day, and no more that 10 per year per advertiser). Instagram Ads include a timeline post that’s also added to our stories. Discounts are available for volume buys.

Specs – 900 x 900 px image, copy (280 characters), and a link

Other Advertising Options

New Businesses & Grand Openings Ad

We post a monthly roundup of new businesses. These ads follow a Q&A format, and include a photo. These are published on our homepage, and shared on Facebook and Twitter.

Specs – 1024 x 650 px image, answers to our Q&A questions

Become a Flyer Supporter

Support local, independent journalism by becoming a Flyer Supporter. Our supporters help sustain the Flyer by offering year-round support for our talented contributors who help us expand our coverage to new areas. Flyer Supporters get an annual thank you shoutout in our newsletter, and access to 10% off our advertising programs. Larger contributions are also accepted. Flyer Supporter contributions are not tax deductible.



monthly page views


monthly unique visitors


NWA readership


Dustin Bartholomew
Co-founder, Client Partnerships
[email protected]
Phone: 479-387-1002